MAY PROMOTION: $500 off all Solus Solar Hot Water Systems
Solar Sunwerx are offering $500 off their revolutionary Solus solar hot water systems. There’s never been a better time to consider replacing your old, inefficient system with a modern solution that will help the environment and save you money!
How does it work?
By collecting radiation from the sun, evacuated tubes turn sunshine into heat that transfers to your water tank – either on the roof if you’d like an Integrated system or on the ground if you’d like a larger Split system.
Evacuated tubes collect far more sunlight than traditional flat panels, and with your choice of electric or gas boost backups you’ll never be caught short.
Switch to solar and save
The Australian Government estimates that by switching to solar hot water systems the average household can save between $300 and $700 per year. With Solar Sunwerx offering $500 off their Solus hot water systems we are giving you an entire year of savings, meaning you’re system will pay for itself even faster.
Help the environment
It’s estimated that heating hot water tanks with electricity is the single largest cause of carbon emissions for the average Australian household. In Victoria alone, if everyone switched to solar hot water we could reduce our emission levels by 20%.
Take advantage of STCs
Solus Split systems are eligable for Small-scale technology certificates, the same point of sale discount customers currently enjoy when they install solar panels. So if you’re hot water system is struggling, it’s never been more afforable to make the switch to solar.
So don’t wait until it’s too late!
Get in now and set yourself up for winter and give yourself the perfect excuse to stay in the shower for a few minutes longer on those cold, frosty mornings.
Call us now on 1300 840 557 or click the button below to get things started today.
Melbourne metropolitan area only. OFFER ENDS MAY 31st!